The Organic Bliss Story

Laura Austin grew up in southern California where she ran through grassy fields, splashed in creeks, chased frogs, skinned her knees and came home to treats of warm cookies, breads or pies baked with love and served with a smile by her mother.  As an adult, Laura moved to Boulder Colorado where she embraced the organic healthful lifestyle that pervades the Boulder community.  Laura became committed to eating healthy organic foods but still wanted her family to experience the comfort and joy that she remembered in her mom’s delicious comfort foods and so began the journey to create Organic Bliss, Inc. and our Organic Bliss line of “Fresh Baked” and “Bake-to-Bliss” breads, cookies, and Family Dinner Dishes. Designed to bring moments of comfort, joy, fun, and sharing to our customers, their families and friends.

The Company Today…

Organic Bliss is a socially responsible food company committed to sustainability, ethical operations, and serving our community by delivering healthy, organic comfort foods for all to enjoy.  We are a Certified B corporation insuring that our suppliers, their employees, our employees and our customers are treated with dignity and fairness.  Our soon to come “retail package” will be 100% compostable (we hope!) and every retail sale will provide $.10 for one of three focused areas of support… the Food Fight (to improve the food we feed our families) the Family Fight (to support children and families), and the Freedom Fight (to end slavery and human trafficking).  As we grow, we hope that you will join us in our efforts to create the highest quality organic indulgences and to making our communities stronger.